
How Do You Know What Your Animal Totem Is

Exercise you want to know what your spirit animate being is and what information technology means? You're not alone.

And if yous're curious about what your own spirit beast might be, read on.

Nosotros'll explore the topic of spirit animals in general, and await at how to decide which one is correct for yous.

What you lot will learn in this post:

  • 1 What is a spirit animate being?
  • 2 Where does the term "spirit animal" come from?
  • iii Your spirit animal is trying to connect
  • 4 The roots: indigenous and Native American fauna spirit guides
  • v How to summon your spirit animal
  • 6 How to know what your spirit animal is
  • seven So what is my spirit animal?
    • 7.1 Bear spirit animate being: strength, backbone, and tenacity
    • seven.2 Eagle spirit creature: freedom, vision, and courage
    • seven.3 Butterfly spirit animal: transformation, change, new beginnings
    • 7.4 Cat spirit animal: independence, intuition, and cocky-confidence
    • 7.5 Deer spirit fauna: gentleness, kindness, and innocence
    • 7.half dozen Turtle spirit animal: wisdom, persistence, groundedness
    • 7.7 Beaver spirit beast: hard worker, determination
    • 7.viii Possum spirit brute: adaptability and resilience
    • 7.nine Dolphin spirit animal: friendly and social
    • 7.x Play a joke on spirit animal: cunning and clever
    • 7.xi Praying mantis spirit animal: calm and spiritual
    • 7.12 Polar bear spirit animal: strength, endurance, and determination
    • 7.xiii Lion spirit animate being: backbone and bravery
    • 7.14 Cheetah spirit animal: agility and grace
    • 7.15 Elephant spirit brute: loyalty, companionship, and intelligence
    • vii.xvi Tiger spirit animate being: strength and backbone
    • vii.17 Wolf spirit animal: a slap-up sense of agreement
    • vii.18 Owl spirit beast: an old soul wise beyond your years
  • 8 Spirit animals and totem power
  • 9 Conclusion: why spirit animals are so pop today
    • 9.1 Other relevant animal articles:

What is a spirit animal?

A spirit beast is a supernatural being that is believed to connect with humans on a higher level: a "spiritual" level.

They are oftentimes seen as guides or protectors, and can assistance u.s. through tough times and testify usa new perspectives in life.

In the same way, an beast guide is often seen as a powerful beingness that can requite the states a amend agreement of other cultures, and the world around us in a new mode.

Where does the term "spirit beast" come up from?

The term is derived from the concept of animism, which is the belief that everything has a spirit.

In some ancient cultures and spiritual traditions, people believe that certain animals accept the ability to connect with the spirit earth. This connection can provide insight and guidance on your life path.

Information technology usually refers to an animate being that is seen as a natural born leader. They are oft associated with having a deep spiritual agreement.

In some cultures, it is believed that your favorite animal is intimately connected to your true nature; some types of totem poles correspond this idea.

Your spirit animal is trying to connect

Take you lot ever felt fatigued to a sure animal in the natural globe, for reasons you tin't explicate?

Have you gotten very strong intuitions that you should or shouldn't do something, and didn't know where the intuition came from, even though it felt "correct?"

All these feelings are correct, and there's a reason you've been having them.

It'south because your spirit creature is trying to reach you. And you may be able to connect with them, if you answer them back right away.

Click here to learn more!

The roots: indigenous and Native American animal spirit guides

In many Native American traditions, animals were idea to be connected to different tribes on a deeper level.

Some Native Americans would often have dreams about their chosen animate being, and believe that it was guiding and protecting them through life.

For example, someone who was seen every bit brave and powerful might be said to accept a carry as their "power animal."

In many other indigenous cultures around the world, an animal spirit is also known every bit a totemic animal.

Many indigenous cultures believe that we each take a specific animal that is continued to our soul, and that this animal tin teach united states of america important lessons about ourselves and the earth.

In some of those cultures, humans are even believed to have multiple spirit animals that act every bit guides throughout their lives.

Present, the concept has go popularized outside of indigenous cultures, and many people believe that they have a spirit animal regardless of their cultural background.

How to summon your spirit beast

When you need help from your beast, there are a few steps yous can take to contact it.

Outset, information technology's important to relax and basis yourself. This volition assistance you to be open up to receiving messages from your kinship animal.

In one case you're feeling calm, try to clear your mind of all thoughts and focus on your jiff.

Adjacent, call out to your totem animal. You tin do this in your mind or aloud.

Be specific nigh what you need help with and why you're summoning them.

Then, open yourself upward to receiving messages. These could come in the form of a idea, an paradigm, a feeling, or anything else.

Pay attending to any signs or symbols that you see effectually yous, every bit these could exist letters from your animate being.

Finally, thank your animal for their assist and guidance.

How to know what your spirit fauna is

Your spirit creature reveals many things about who you lot are every bit a person, and can even signal to your spiritual path in life.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to find out what your animal is.

One way is to recall about which animals you lot feel near drawn to. What animals practise you feel most connected to? What animals do y'all feel stand for your personality the best?

Another way to connect with your fauna is through meditation or prayer.

Shut your optics and focus on your breath. Allow yourself to relax and articulate your mind.

Once you feel calm, focus on the question, "What is my spirit animal?" See what epitome or bulletin comes into your mind. You may too want to ask your spirit guide or higher power for guidance on finding your fauna.

Others only enquire for guidance from the universe.

And some people may even demand to journeying into the spiritual realm or consult with a shaman in social club to find their spirit guide.

There's no right or wrong way to find your animal. The almost important thing is that you lot're open to connecting with information technology.

So what is my spirit creature?

As mentioned above, your guide animate being is an animal that represents your personal strengths, weaknesses, and traits.

It's too an animal that you experience a deep connectedness with.

1's choice of spirit animal also depends on culture. For example, a 2019 study about spirit animals in Republic of estonia found that the wolf was by far the nearly popular option (at 75%), followed respectively by the bear, deer, horse, and eagle.

For some people, their animal is 1 they've always been drawn to. For others, it may exist an creature they've never even seen before.

For many souls, it only takes a few minutes of reflection on their favorite brute.

To make the process easier, nosotros've created a list of some of the most popular spirit animals and their meanings.

Bear spirit animal: force, courage, and tenacity

bear spirit animal

In terms of spirit animals, the bear symbolizes strength, backbone, and tenacity.

If the bear is your kinship brute, and so you're likely to be a natural leader with a strong will.

You're besides likely to exist very independent and have little patience for those who can't keep upwards with you.

Hawkeye spirit brute: liberty, vision, and courage

eagle spirit animal

The eagle is oftentimes seen as a symbol of freedom, vision, and backbone.

If the eagle is your called beast, you're likely to exist a free-spirited individual with a stiff sense of cocky.

You lot're also probable to be very courageous and have a clear vision for your life. After all, eagles are known for their corking eyesight.

Butterfly spirit animal: transformation, alter, new beginnings

butterfly spirit animal

The butterfly is frequently seen as a symbol of transformation, change, and new beginnings.

If the butterfly is your spirit animal, you're likely to be a very adjustable person who is always open up to new experiences.

Yous're also likely to be very empathetic and have a strong sense of intuition.

Cat spirit animal: independence, intuition, and cocky-confidence

cat spirit animal

The cat is ofttimes seen as a symbol of independence, intuition, and self-confidence.

If the true cat is your spirit beast, you're probable to be a very independent person who is in touch on with their own intuition.

Y'all're also likely to be very self-confident and accept a strong sense of personal manner.

Deer spirit creature: gentleness, kindness, and innocence

deer spirit animal

The deer is often seen equally a symbol of gentleness, kindness, and innocence.

If the deer is your spirit animal, yous're likely to be a very gentle and kind person. You're also likely to be very innocent and have a strong sense of personal integrity.

Likewise, the lithe deer is also often seen as a symbol of intelligence and gracefulness.

Finally, the deer is your spirit animal, you're likely to accept a deep connectedness to nature.

Turtle spirit animal: wisdom, persistence, groundedness

turtle spirit animal

Wisdom, patience, and endurance are the hallmarks of the turtle.

If the turtle is your spirit animal, yous're probable to be a very wise person who is also very patient.

Y'all're also likely to be very determined and have a not bad deal of endurance. Every bit the turtle knows oh then well: "slow and steady wins the race."

So bear this in mind if you're feeling like you're stuck in a oestrus: like the turtle, continue moving forward fifty-fifty if information technology'southward at a wearisome and steady pace.

Beaver spirit animal: difficult worker, decision

beaver spirit animal

The beaver spirit fauna is often seen equally a symbol of difficult work and determination.

Information technology is as well associated with family, home, and community.

The beaver spirit animal is i of the most powerful spirit animals and is known for its forcefulness, endurance, and ability to persevere through hard times.

Yous're also likely to be very skilful at problem-solving and accept a dandy bargain of stamina.

Possum spirit animal: adaptability and resilience

possum spirit animal

The possum (sometimes spelled opossum) is a surprisingly popular spirit animal.

It'south frequently seen every bit a symbol of adaptability, which is associated with its ability to play dead in lodge to survive.

The possum is also known for beingness very adaptable to different environments. Possums are first-class tree climbers and are often seen hanging upside downwardly from branches.

Possums are nocturnal animals, which means they are most active at night. They are also very good swimmers and can hold their breath for up to 6 minutes underwater.

The opossum spirit animal is a reminder that sometimes information technology is necessary to play dead in order to survive and that you should always be adjustable to changing environments.

The possum spirit guide can also help you tap into your own nocturnal abilities and swim through difficult waters.

Dolphin spirit animal: friendly and social

dolphin spirit animal

People whose spirit brute is the dolphin are often characterized as friendly, social creatures who are always up for a good time.

They're often the life of the party, and they bring joy and laughter wherever they go.

Dolphins are also known for their intelligence and their power to communicate with others.

Those with a dolphin spirit fauna are often good at reading people and understanding their feelings.

They're natural leaders, and they're frequently able to encounter both sides of every state of affairs.

"Dolphin people" are usually optimistic and empathetic, and they're ever ready to help out those in need.

Fox spirit animal: cunning and clever

fox spirit animal

Take you ever felt a special kinship with the sly fox? If so, and so the pull a fast one on just might be your spirit animal.

The fox is frequently associated with cunning and cleverness and is known for its trickster-like nature.

In many traditions, the flim-flam is too seen as a guide or teacher, helping those who are lost find their way dorsum to the correct path.

People who identify with the fox as their spirit beast may be drawn to careers in writing or acting, and may exist interested in exploring their inventiveness.

Praying mantis spirit animal: calm and spiritual

praying mantis spirit animal

The praying mantis is often portrayed as a calm and spiritual brute, one that is in touch with the divine.

They are said to be able to teach us how to connect with our higher selves and to live in balance with the natural world.

People who identify with the praying mantis as their spirit fauna may be drawn to careers in healing or teaching, and may be interested in studying meditation and other forms of spirituality.

Polar acquit spirit animal: force, endurance, and conclusion

polar bear spirit animal

Polar bear symbolism in popular cultures suggests that this rugged brute is a symbol of strength, endurance, and determination.

In some traditions, the polar acquit is also seen as a protector of the weak and a guardian of the natural earth.

People who identify with the polar bear as their spirit animal may exist drawn to careers in law enforcement or environmentalism, and may be interested in outdoor activities such as hiking and camping.

Panthera leo spirit animal: courage and bravery

lion spirit animal

As the veritable "male monarch of the beasts," the king of beasts has long been a symbol of strength, power, and royalty.

In many cultures, the king of beasts is seen as a guardian of the underworld, and is associated with courage and bravery.

People who identify with the lion as their spirit animal may be drawn to careers in leadership or public service, and may be interested in studying history or mythology.

Cheetah spirit animal: agility and grace

cheetah spirit animal

The chetah is oftentimes seen as a symbol of speed, agility, and grace.

In some cultures, the chetah is as well associated with hunters and warriors, and is said to exist a master of cover-up.

People who identify with the cheetah every bit their spirit animal may be drawn to careers in athletics or the performing arts, and may be interested in exploring new places and cultures.

Elephant spirit animal: loyalty, companionship, and intelligence

elephant spirit animal

The elephant spirit animal is associated with force, decision, loyalty, companionship, and intelligence.

If you lot have an elephant as your spirit fauna, you may be someone who is stiff-willed and determined to achieve your goals.

You may also be a loyal and reliable friend, and you may exist very intelligent.

Elephants are besides known for their huge size, which is also a symbol of force. Equally such, people who identify the elephant every bit their spiritual animal commonly take a great sense of strength and ability.

However, they besides know how to use their size and strength wisely, and they are not afraid to defend those who are weaker than them.

People with this spirit animal are usually very compassionate and caring, and they often put the needs of others before their own.

You may be able to see things that others cannot. And of course, elephants are known for their long lives, which is a symbol of wisdom and experience.

Tiger spirit fauna: force and courage

tiger spirit animal

The tiger is one of the most popular spirit animals, and it's not hard to see why.

The tiger is a powerful fauna that embodies strength, courage, and decision.

Equally your spirit animal, the tiger can guide you through times of challenge and help you notice your inner strength.

When y'all connect with your tiger spirit animal, yous may discover yourself feeling more than confident and courageous.

You may too experience a renewed sense of determination and focus.

If you lot're facing a difficult situation, your tiger spirit animal can assistance you notice the courage to confront it head-on.

And this chapters tin come in handy in spheres of life such as your career, your relationships, and even your personal development journey.

Of course, the tiger is non without its challenges. As a spirit animal, the tiger can also represent uncontrolled anger and aggression.

If you observe yourself interim out in these ways, it'due south important to take a footstep back and check in with your innermost feelings.

What are you actually angry nigh? What can you do to diffuse the situation in a effective way?

Remember, your tiger spirit animal is in that location to guide and support you – then trust your intuition and let the tiger lead the way.

Wolf spirit animal: a bully sense of understanding

wolf spirit animal

The wolf is often seen every bit a symbol of loyalty, family unit, and communication.

If the wolf is your spirit animal, you're likely to be a very loyal person who values family and friends.

You're also likely to be a proficient communicator.

This mysterious pack beast is too a symbol of intuition and insight. When you have a wolf as your spirit fauna, information technology ways that you are very attuned to your surroundings and you have a great sense of agreement.

You can run across things that other people can't, and you oftentimes take a deep agreement of the world effectually you.

You are fiercely loyal and protective of those you love, but yous too know how to have fun and enjoy life.

Much like the coyote, the wolf suggests that you lot are a powerful strength to exist reckoned with, both in terms of your physical strength and your mental prowess.

Moreover, you are confident and capable, and you ever find a mode to go things done.

If you have a wolf every bit your spirit animate being, it means that you are in touch on with your wild side.

Yous are comfy taking risks and walking on the edge. You know how to stand upwards for yourself and fight for what you believe in.

You are a survivor who is not afraid of obstacles or challenges. You are ever moving forrad and e'er looking for new adventures.

Owl spirit animal: an old soul wise beyond your years

what is my spirit animal - owl at nighttime

People whose spirit animal is the owl tend to be wise beyond their years.

They're often "sometime souls" who take been through a lot in their previous incarnations.

The owl spirit animal is too associated with rebirth.

Owls are nocturnal creatures, so they can also represent the night side of your personality.

If you observe yourself fatigued to the owl spirit animal, it may be time to face up some of your fears and demons.

The owl spirit creature is also a symbol of change and transition.

If you've been feeling stuck in a rut, the appearance of an owl may signal that it's time to make some changes in your life.

Spirit animals and totem power

In sum, a spirit brute is any animal found in the beast kingdom that has been assigned personal power by an private: if you believe that your called animal has a certain quality, then information technology does.

This assigning of personal power is often done through a totem animal, which is defined as "an object (such as an animate being or found) serving as a symbolic representation" of a certain trait, oftentimes inside a certain clan.

A "power animal" is said to be a creature that "lends its special strengths to an individual." A wild animal, on the other paw, is defined as ane that has "not been domesticated or tamed."

Spirit animals can come from whatsoever creature species, and each i brings with information technology ancient wisdom.

Many of these animals take a deeper meaning, supernatural powers, or spiritual agreement associated with them.

Determination: why spirit animals are so popular today

A spirit creature is a kind of platonic platonic; it'southward the embodiment of all the characteristics that nosotros honey and admire in an beast.

For case, a canis familiaris might exist our best friend because they're and so loyal and loving. We might see ourselves as more like a behave, meanwhile, if we're contained and tough.

Spirit animals accept get increasingly popular in contempo years as a way to connect with nature, and they're also seen as a way to access our own subconscious potential.

What'south important is that you connect with the animal that resonates with you the most. Your spirit animal can change over fourth dimension, as well, then don't feel like you're stuck with 1 for life!

No matter how you detect your spirit animal, the important thing is that y'all connect with it on a deep level.

Once you lot've found your beast, information technology will exist with you for as long as yous demand, serving as a source of strength, guidance, and protection.

Cheers for reading!

Other relevant animal articles:

  • What aredreams about snakes trying to tell you?
  • A new study finds that cats and dogs living together can get along simply fine, despite their (very) different temperaments.
  • How tin can you finish your cat from hunting wildlife? A new study shows cats chase less when their owners feed them well and allow them play.

Photos:viaDepositPhotos,Pexels,Upsplash, and Pixabay.


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