
‘Do Not Track’ Tool Promises Page Loads Up to Four Times Faster - greenwoodsommestake

"Do Not Cartroad" technologies accept become an increasingly standard persona of the Internet today, offering users a mixed bag of ways to protect their privacy as they surf the Web.


Yet while in that respect are numerous anti-tracking tools out there to help users avoid being caterpillar-tracked–both inside the leading browsers and as extra add-ons–many another of them are browser-specific, confusing, surgery just obviously difficult to use, reported to a Andrew Carnegie Mellon University report from last fall.

A free new tool released on Thursday was built specifically to treat many of the concerns raised in that subject field and to go substantially beyond what regular private browse modes can do. It's known as Doh Not Track Plus, and it works seamlessly with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Campaign; non entirely that, but it buns increase page load speeds by up to four times, its maker says.

580 Tracking Technologies

A beta version of Abine's Doctor of Osteopathy Not Trail Plus (DNT+) was released last year, initially fair-minded for Firefox, and it sawing machine to a higher degree a million downloads, the society says.

Today's official release marks its arrival along totally the John Major browsers, however, and blocks tracking across hundreds of websites–including Facebook and Google, whose new privacy policies take over caused something of an uproar in modern weeks.

Users rear end settle at the individual website level whether they wish to block or allow tracking. When they do want their activities to continue private, DNT+ blocks a growing list of 580 different tracking technologies and more than 200 trailing companies.

Users Can Still Percentage

With an easy-to-use interface, the tool aims to forestall advertisers from watching users' internet site visits, shopping interests, hobbies, clicks, and geographic location. It likewise keeps a running "block counter" in the corner of the browser windowpane so users can easily see how some tracking attempts have been blocked, and from what companies.

Unlike most opposing-trailing tools, the software lets users preserve to use social-communion buttons even As they block social tracking, Abine notes.

At least as compelling, in my view, is that Do Not Chase away Plus can make Web pages load equally much as four times faster, accordant to the accompany.

100 Attempts per Day

The average Web user is tracked aside many than 100 technologies every day, Abine says, and even those who have opted down of targeted advertising continue to live tracked, at least one study has shown.

There are other anti-tracking tools out there arsenic recovered, course. But with its up-to-the-minute tweaks and enhancements–not to mention the speed boost information technology touts–Do Not Track Plus could be worth checking proscribed. It's now available as a free download on the Abine site.


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